Shanghai International Studies University


Site Name: Shanghai International Studies University

Site Description: Shanghai Foreign Studies University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education and jointly built with Shanghai City, which has entered the "211 Project". The school was founded in December 1949, shortly after the establishment of the People's Republic of China, and was named Shanghai Russian School. In 1956, the school was renamed as Shanghai Foreign Languages College. In 1963, the school was designated as a national key university, directly under the leadership of the Ministry of Education. In 1994, the school was upgraded to Shanghai Foreign Studies University and became one of the first schools jointly built by the National Education Commission and Shanghai City. In 1996, the school was listed as a "211 Project" construction university by the National Education Commission. With 60 years of scholarly calligraphy and the fragrance of peach and plum, the school has achieved a good reputation in society and gained some influence internationally.

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Category: social sciences >> Languages

Index date: 2009-11-05 09:11:00

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