Central South University for Nationalities - The Cradle of Cultivating Ethnic Talents

Domain: www.scuec.edu.cn

Site Name: Central South University for Nationalities - The Cradle of Cultivating Ethnic Talents

Site Description: Central South University for Nationalities is a comprehensive ordinary higher education institution directly under the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, located in the hometown of white clouds and yellow cranes - on the shore of South Lake in Wuhan. The school was formerly known as Central South University for Nationalities, founded in 1951 and renamed as Central South University for Nationalities in March 2002. The school covers an area of 1446 acres, with a building area of 700000 square meters and a collection of over 2.6 million books. It has the first ethnological museum in a university in China. The campus is shaded by green trees and fragrant with flowers all year round. Modern buildings with strong ethnic characteristics are arranged in rows and arranged in a picturesque manner, complementing the scenery of lakes and mountains with cultural landscapes.

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Category: social sciences >> Ethnicity and Race Studies

Index date: 2009-11-17 09:17:00

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