Fujian, China - Fujian Provincial People's Government Portal Website

Domain: www.fujian.gov.cn

Site Name: Fujian, China - Fujian Provincial People's Government Portal Website

Site Description: The Fujian Provincial People's Government Portal - "China Fujian" website (referred to as "China Fujian Government Network") is a comprehensive service platform for the Fujian Provincial People's Government, various departments of the Provincial People's Government, as well as the people's governments of various districts, cities, and districts to publish government information, provide online services, and participate in public affairs on the international internet. The construction of the Fujian government network in China is an important measure to promote innovation in government management methods and build a service-oriented government. It is of great significance for promoting government openness, improving public services, enhancing administrative efficiency, and facilitating public awareness, participation, and supervision.

Server IP: location

Website Data: SEO > www.fujian.gov.cn Whois > www.fujian.gov.cn Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Government/National Institutions

Index date: 2010-01-18 09:51:00

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