• The largest in history! The blockchain coin security project under the "Chinese richest man" has been stolen, with a case value of 850 million US dollars

    On October 8th, IT Home reported that in the early morning of October 7th Beijing time, the smart contract platform BNBChain suffered two consecutive (2:26, 4:43) hacker attacks, washing out 2 million BNB coins in just 2 hours. This currency alone reached $566 million, and with other virtual assets, it could reach $718 million

  • Coin An inexplicably received a BNB of 180 yuan After learning the truth, I chose to do so

    #The second phase of the "Flash Moment" themed essay#Today's theme: "Trust"preface:The concept of blockchain has become popular, with Bitcoin increasing by over 36% in 24 hours. As is well known, due to the high volatility of Bitcoin, many celebrities are not optimistic

  • The "unbearable pain" in the coin circle? Repeating the scene before the FTX crash: The sharp decline of Coin An Coin BNB

    It has been a month since the collapse crisis of FTX, and just as many people believe that its former competitor, Coina, can "dominate" the cryptocurrency market, another crisis seems to be brewing.Data shows that, up to now, the original token BNB of Coin Security in the cryptocurrency exchange has fallen by nearly 15% in the past day and nearly 21% in the past week, the lowest level since July

  • Is it a lie or a show that the trading rules of Coin Security are suspected of harming investors' interests?

    On July 12th, Coin An announced that "the Coin An team will give up their BNB share and join the BNB destruction plan." Many investors understood this as a significant reduction in the circulation of Coin An Ping Taiwan Dollar BNB, and BNB prices rose in response

  • Talking about the Trinity Ambition and Challenges of the New Chain BNBGreenfield released by Coin Security

    Source:@jason_ chen998Coin An released a Greenfield white paper on storage chain last weekHowever, we have not seen a significant industry hotspot and have not reflected it in the currency price. There is not much research on the storage field,The main reason is that there are too few players in this track, mainly Arweave and Filecoin, but storage is definitely the most important track in the blockchain field.Let me first help you sort out the outline and history of the entire storage system, so that we can have a better understanding. There has always been a controversial concept in web3, where many friends divide storage into two layers: on chain storage (blockchain, IPFS, etc.) and off chain storage (AWS, local databases, and all other heterogeneous platforms).A more reasonable division should be three layers: on chain storage (blockchain), decentralized storage (IPFS, etc.), and centralized storage (AWS, local database, etc.).People often confuse decentralized storage with on chain storage. Blockchain is a distributed ledger that also has data storage capabilities. However, what we currently broadly refer to as on chain content, whether it is NFT or Mirror, does not exist on the blockchain.Because in order to ensure that data cannot be tampered with, every full node needs to be backed up. When there are 10000 miners, even to store 1MB of information, the entire network will consume 10GB, which is very uneconomical. Therefore, the proposed solution is to store the data offline, and then place the offline storage address in the blockchain for indexing. Taking NFT as an example, it can be seen that metadata is indexed to an IPFS link, and when opened, it is a folder.Here we will extend IPFS, which is a content addressed peer-to-peer distributed storage system,The opposite of content addressing is address addressing. For example, when we store a photo on a cloud drive, the computer needs to know the IP address and domain name of the photo when downloading it in order to find the data in the corresponding location. However, if the copy does not exist or the server is shut down, the file will also be lost.But perhaps someone has downloaded this photo and stored it on their computer before, but your computer doesn't know that the other person has this photo,So to solve the problem of decentralized storage, it is necessary to solve the problem of using content retrieval instead of address retrievalIn this way, you don't need to tell the computer where to get the photos, but just tell the computer what the photos you need look like, and then the computer will ask everyone who has the photos in their hands, and if there are any, send them to me.But the content can be very large, and direct brute force retrieval is very time-consuming, soAfter hashing the file content, store the hash value as the file name, which allows for very fast retrieval of only other hash values that are the same as the hash value of the photo. Once found, ask the other person to send me a copy of their photo, which will improve efficiencyThe above is the general principle of IPFS, where storage has gone through three stages: centralization, multi centralization, and decentralization.So although IPFS is similar in concept to blockchain, it itself has no direct relationship with blockchainHowever, to achieve stable operation, many users need to contribute their storage space and network to become nodes. Therefore, Filecoin, inspired by Bitcoin, is an incentive layer built on top of IPFS to incentivize nodes that store data.So what everyone must understand is thatRegardless of the way storage is ultimately stored, it still exists on physical hard drives. Decentralized storage is a sharing economy that those with idle hard drive resources can contribute to.The concept of computing power sharing has already been used in early games such as Qiyun and Jirou, but it's just a drop in the bucket.But Filecoin, after all, is a layer that was added after the emergence of IPFS to incentivize storage service providers, butArweave integrates storage and chain more thoroughlyIt specifically developed blockweave, which, compared to the traditional chain structure of blockchain, links each block to the next block and the previous two blocks: a previous block and a historical recall block. Nodes must provide access proof when generating blocks.This is different from the proof of pow calculation. By accessing older random blocks in blockweave history, new blocks can be mined for rewards. This way, miners who store rare blocks can achieve greater returns in the long term. Through this mechanism, nodes can store as much historical data as possible without consuming a lot of resources like pow,So the originality and permanence of Arweave are higher than those of Filecoin.Just now, I mentioned that blockchain itself also has information storage capabilities, and some people call blockchain a decentralized database, but in realityThe most important responsibility of blockchain is to take on the decentralized ledger for recording transactions rather than the database, and storing a large amount of data is not the core of blockchain in terms of division of responsibilities.If blockchain is compared to a computer, although it also has memory to store a small amount of data, it requires an external hard drive to store a large amount of data.Instead of just cramming everything into memory,So decentralized storage takes on the responsibility of external hard drives, as long as the stored items can interact with the computer and memory and remain unchanged.As can be seen in Etherscan, the InputData in each transaction of Ethereum is the information written into the blockchain, but it can only be field data of simple keyvalue type, so it still needs to be supplemented by an external "hard drive".The above is an explanation of the entire storage system and the principles of Filecoin and Arweave, two storage hubs,After saying this, everyone should be very deeply aware of the importance and complementarity in the existence of blockchain.So this is one of the reasons why Coin An has become an entrant. With such a large race track and such a concentrated competitive head effect, Coin An's entry into this size should cause a stir, but there has been almost no movement.in my submissionThe main reasons are:oneStorage is the lower layer far away from users, making it difficult for users to perceive and understandAnd currently, the storage is also ToB and then ToC, such as Mirror connecting to Arweave. We write in Mirror, but we are not aware of the existence of Arweave;2. On the day of the Greenfield White Paper announcementHit the big hot spot of NostrLike Wang Feng, it's quite unlucky;threeThe storage track has not yet exploded;The prerequisite for storage is to have content, but currently there is a shortage of content production sources in the web3 application layerFor example, the largest track defi is not related to the content at all, and the NFT track has some connection with the content, but it is not very big, just a small image needs to be saved,After thinking about it, there are not many applications with a large number of "content storage" scenarios like web2 that have emerged in web3, so the storage track is far from users and few.However, as the application layer of web3 explodes, a large number of UGC products with C-side interactivity will naturally emerge, leading to a large demand for content storage. Therefore, we can see the end result, but the problem is that I cannot see the milestone of reaching the end process at the moment. Here, I would like to share myInvestment logic:After analyzing the LSD track before, I deduced that as Ethereum switches to POS, low threshold pledge services such as Lido will first emerge, resulting in a large number of verification nodes. However, the centralization of operators will greatly damage Ethereum network security,So the ultimate goal is to solve the problem of operator centralizationAfter seeing the final outcome, I found three more milestones.The beacon chain of 20 has been launched, the POS of 22 has been merged, and Shanghai has been upgraded on 23,The purpose of finding milestones is to give you a psychological expectation of the moment when the final game will arrive, as well as to find a suitable opportunity to enter, otherwise the ambush will be too early and you will have to wait for several yearsAfter the upgrade and withdrawal of funds in Shanghai in 2023, it greatly stimulated the enthusiasm for pledge, thus exposing the problem of operator centralization,So the first six months of Shanghai's upgrade are a good time to enter the venueOtherwise, we will be waiting for the first milestone of 2020 in the next two years.I can see the final outcome of the deposit, but I still cannot see through the milestones in the middle. However, as the infrastructure improves and I also see itThis year, application layers such as socialfi are rolling outin my submissionPerhaps it is possible to try a small amount of layout to store related assets, which does not represent investment advice, everyone DYOR.Okay, back to Greenfield, as mentioned at the beginning, its ecosystem revolves around usersTrinity architecture: BSC chain, Greenfield, and Dapps. Coin security has a transaction chain, followed by a storage chain. Developers develop their own DAPP based on these two, and Greenfield is a side chain with a native cross chain bridge with BSC, both using BNB as tokens. This combination of fists will complete the Coin security ecosystem.So on the one hand, the storage track is large enough to attract the interest of Coin An personally, and on the other hand, it is also an important part of supplementing the Coin An ecosystem;By reading the white paper, it can be seen that the core of Greenfield is a storage chain and storage node network, which is actually similar to Arweave;The storage chain has its own governance logic and incentive system, which stores metadata, block status data, account information and permissions, billing and other data;It is worth noting that metadata exists on the chain, and there is a separate object storage system that stores object data off the chain. Taking NFT as an example, metadata is placed on the chain instead of IPFS. However, the image that occupies the most space in metadata itself is still located below the chain. This design may be based on performance and cost considerations, and when using data, the off chain object data is then referenced through the on chain metadata.BNB, as the original token of the storage chain, is used for governance and payment of GAS, which can flow between BSC and Greenfield, so this perspective is another value empowerment for BNBBut personally, I don't think BNB's price will benefit a lot from the storage track, because BNB's price is a complex, and storage empowerment is only one factor that affects the price,BNBin my submissionIt's better to directly invest in tokens that specialize in storage, because the empowerment of these tokens comes from 100% storage dividends, and of course, everything is DYOR;It is also worth noting thatThe Greenfield format is fully compatible with Ethereum EVM, making it easy for existing products to access;It is also interesting that the management of permission groups is quite detailed, which can control the permissions of each account for data operations such as adding, deleting, modifying, and querying. This is quite practicalIntroducing data integrityChallenge proof,Similar to OP, it can submit challenge transactions to nodes,Greenfield also randomly triggers challenge events, similar to sampling checks,If a challenge is accepted, the validator will check the challenged node. If the challenge is successful, the initiator will receive a reward, and the node will be punished. If the challenge fails, the data will have a freeze period and will not be challenged again,To avoid resource waste.Interestingly, it is not only used for data storage, but also supports data-based economic value creationFor example, the data permissions mentioned earlier can also cross chain to BSC and become a digital asset of BSC, which is interesting. My data is valuable, and my data can also be valuable for operations.The participants in the entire Greenfield ecosystem are as follows:BSC undertakes DAPP deployment, data resource mirroring, cross chain, and consensus;Greenfield is responsible for payment, data resources, cross chain, and consensus. Please note that as mentioned earlier, Greenfield also has its own governance mechanism, so it also has its own consensus;Then the SP node interacts with Greenfield for data;The diagram on the right shows the network structure, which is similar to the OP set of validators with elections, etc;The account system in Greenfield is independent and compatible with BSC and Ethereum in format, so it also has the conditions for Wallet to support Greenfield in the future.It is interesting that Greenfield, as a chain, was developed based on Cosmos,Cosmos' position as the leader of Layer0 seems to be getting more and more stable, and the recently popular Canto is also based on Cosmos. However, personally, I think Canto's set has a bit of Luna's shadow.The trouble with Coin Security lies in the fact that BSC is Fork Ethereum, unlike APTOS and SOLONA, which do not have their own independent technical system, making it difficult to cultivate their own developer community,This issue is also encountered by many EVM chains. As a storage chain for developers, Greenfield needs to work hard to establish developer loyalty. Therefore, Coin Security needs to first switch the stock DAPP to Greenfield before attracting incremental growth.Based on the analysis of the storage track of Coin Security Greenfield, I am personally optimistic about the storage track and look forward to the emergence of more truly available application layer products,Whether smart wallets and account abstractions are used to lower user entry barriers in infrastructure, or performance enhancing chains such as aptos and layers, the infrastructure for application layer explosion has been laid, and it is time to build a nest to attract talent.Disclaimer and RisksPlease review the disclaimer, terms, and risks to understand the legal statements, content, and risk factors of this document. In particular, you should conduct your own research (DYOR) before making any investments and be aware of the risks associated with forward-looking statements in this document.

  • Besides coin security, the most dangerous big trouble in the coin circle is the stable currency USDT

    Nowadays, more and more investors are worried that Coin An may follow the footsteps of FTX and become the next bankrupt currency giant.Data shows that, up to now, the original token BNB of Coin Security in the cryptocurrency exchange has fallen by nearly 15% in the past day and nearly 21% in the past week, the lowest level since July

  • Coin security spot trading has been suspended due to issues, and the cryptocurrency market has plummeted in response

    Coinance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, has malfunctioned and its spot order book data has not been updated for a long time. Coin An stated on its social media platform that there is an issue affecting Binance's spot trading

  • The top 5 cryptocurrencies accumulated before the bull market

    In the past week, the encryption market has significantly slowed down, affecting the digital assets in this field. However, although such periods may disappoint investors, they also provide a unique opportunity to enter the market at low and favorable prices before the next round of gains. Therefore, here are the top 5 tokens accumulated before the next bull market.Bitcoin (BTC)Bitcoin (BTC)

  • Suspected of money laundering and investigated by the SEC! Is Coin An troublesome?

    A few days ago, it was reported that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) launched an investigation on the native token BNB of Coin Security in the cryptocurrency exchange.According to the news, the SEC is investigating whether the sale of BNB tokens by its founder Zhao Changpeng, Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, constitutes an unregistered securities sale during its initial token issuance (ICO) in 2017

  • Destruction of Coin An Coin BNB: A typical empty handed white wolf in the coin circle, playing with users between stock hands

    The counterfeit incident of the repurchase of Coin An 888 continues to ferment in the coin circle. Although the veteran driver does not want this matter to be confirmed, after all, the essence of blockchain is open and transparent, and cannot be tampered with

  • The 'Coin Circle' was thunderous late at night! Suspected of violating regulatory measures, the world's largest exchange, Coin An, and CEO Zhao Changpeng are being sued

    Reporter: Cai Ding, Editor: Gao HanSince the beginning of this month, there has been a continuous turmoil in the "coin circle".After Justin Sun, founder of Tron and member of Huobi's global advisory board, was sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 22, Eastern Time,On Monday, March 27th Eastern Time, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) sued Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, and its CEO, Zhao Changpeng, for alleged violations of regulatory measures.It is reported that CFTC filed the above-mentioned lawsuit in the Federal Court of Chicago on March 27th Eastern Time. CFTC stated that Coin An did not register with it, thus evading a series of its obligations.According to a Bloomberg report,Since at least 2021, the CFTC has been investigating whether Coin Security has failed to prevent the American public from buying and selling cryptocurrencies and their derivatives.According to CFTC rules, if a platform allows the American public to trade a certain derivative, it must be registered with that institution.Image source: TwitterAfter being sued by the US CFTC, Zhao Changpeng posted a one word tweet on his personal social media platform:fourSuspected of citing the fourth clause of its 2023 focus and recommendations released at the beginning of the year in response: IgnoreFUD, fakenews, attachments, etc, Ignoring FUD (fear, confusion, doubt) messages, fake news, malicious attacks, etcCFTC: The defendant intentionally disregarded relevant terms and regulationsAccording to a Bloomberg report,CFTCIRSSEC

  • The price forecast for Coin An Coin is that BNB will rise by 17% within a week - is it time to buy?

    For BNB, this is an important week, as it is the cryptocurrency that provides power for the Coin Security smart chain. Due to concerns about the collapse of US banks, asset classes were generally safe haven, and BNB experienced an astonishing rebound after falling to a mid-term two month low of $260 late last week
