It is difficult to predict whether the price of Gougou Coin will reach $1 in 2023 due to its outstanding recent performance.
To learn more about the coin circle, clickContinuously updatingIs the current market Xiongmo or Niuchu? Except for the top 8 cryptocurrencies in BTC and ETH rankings, which have attracted market attention, their trends often lead the development direction of the entire industryHot topics on October 13th;oneA giant whale deposits $11 million in assets on Aave and borrows $8.45 million in stable currency to repay debts and avoid liquidationtwoBelugaProtocol was attacked and the loss increased to 108
September 2023: Bitcoin Rises Against the Trend! Outstanding performance in the global market crash attracts attention
Bitcoin rose in September, while many traditional assets suffered significant losses, highlighting the diversified nature of cryptocurrencies. The pressure on the global market seems to be due to rising government bond yields and rising oil prices
One of the outstanding competitive coin choices, Solana surpasses Ethereum?
Solana (SOL) has attracted the attention of former Goldman Sachs executive RaoulPal, who recently announced that it is one of his outstanding competitive currency choices and a potential competitor to Ethereum's dominant position.In a new interview, Pal emphasized Solana's unique advantages, emphasizing its unparalleled speed and performance, which even prompted payment giant Visa to choose it as its preferred platform