Wuhan University of Science and Technology Central South Branch
Domain: www.znuni.cn
Site Name: Wuhan University of Science and Technology Central South Branch
Site Description: Wuhan University of Science and Technology Central South Branch is a regular undergraduate higher education institution approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The school was founded in 1997 and has a history of over 10 years. After 10 years of unconventional and leapfrog construction and development, it has become a well-known university with a focus on industry and commerce, and a coordinated development of multiple disciplines including industry, economics, management, literature, law, medicine, and agriculture, enjoying a good social reputation.
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Website Data: SEO > www.znuni.cn Whois > www.znuni.cn Geographic location
Category: social sciences >> University Department/College
Index date: 2009-11-17 10:07:00