yichun university

Domain: www.ycu.jx.cn

Site Name: yichun university

Site Description: Yichun University is located in Yichun, a famous cultural ecology city in western Jiangxi. The school campus covers an area of over 3000 acres. In the new century, Yichun University has become the most comprehensive undergraduate university in Jiangxi Province with the most complete range of disciplines. There are currently over 16000 students on campus, 1200 faculty and staff, over 900 full-time teachers, 310 associate professors, over 320 doctoral and master's degrees, and over 100 subject leaders and young and middle-aged backbone teachers at or above the city level. Professor Jiang Yuansheng, an academician of the CAS Member, and researcher Yuan Longping, an academician of the CAE Member, are honorary presidents and professors of the university.

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Website Data: SEO > www.ycu.jx.cn Whois > www.ycu.jx.cn Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-07 08:55:00

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