Xianyang Normal University
Domain: www.xysfxy.cn
Site Name: Xianyang Normal University
Site Description: Xianyang Normal University is a provincial-level undergraduate institution primarily focused on teacher education. The school was founded in May 1978, originally named "Xianyang Specialized Department of Shaanxi Normal University". In December 1978, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Xianyang Normal College was established. In May 2001, Xianyang Normal College merged with Shaanxi Xianyang Education College established in 1983 to establish Xianyang Normal College. In October 2004, Shaanxi Radio and Television University Xianyang Branch was merged into Xianyang Normal University.
Server IP: location
Website Data: SEO > www.xysfxy.cn Whois > www.xysfxy.cn Geographic location
Category: social sciences >> education
Index date: 2009-11-21 09:53:00