State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China


Site Name: State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China

Site Description: The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China (referred to as the State Council Information Office) was established in January 1991. The main responsibility of the State Council Information Office is to promote Chinese media to explain China to the world, including introducing China's domestic and foreign policies, economic and social development, as well as China's history and development in science, technology, education, culture, and other fields. Introduce China to the outside world by guiding and coordinating media coverage, holding press conferences, providing books, materials, and film and television products. Assist foreign journalists in conducting interviews in China and promote objective and accurate coverage of China by overseas media. Widely engage in exchanges and cooperation with governments and news media of various countries. Collaborate with relevant departments to carry out external exchange activities.

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Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Government/National Institutions

Index date: 2010-01-16 09:41:00

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