Xi'an Peihua College Official Website - Warmly Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Peihua University

Domain: www.peihua.cn

Site Name: Xi'an Peihua College Official Website - Warmly Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Peihua University

Site Description: Xi'an Peihua College is located in the birthplace of Chinese civilization and the picturesque ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties - Xi'an. The school is the first private undergraduate regular higher education institution approved by the Ministry of Education in the twelve western provinces and cities, and also the first private university in the western region to have the right to confer bachelor's degrees. Its predecessor was Xi'an First Civilian Women's Vocational School, established in 1928 with the approval of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education and organized by the Shaanxi Women's Vocational Education Promotion Association.

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Website Data: SEO > www.peihua.cn Whois > www.peihua.cn Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-21 09:59:00

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