China Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera


Site Name: China Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera

Site Description: The China Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera is the highest institution of Chinese opera education and the founder of the higher education system for Chinese opera. It has the most complete disciplines, the most sound training system, the most concentrated outstanding teachers, the most talent transfer, and the greatest social impact in the field of Chinese opera education. As a leader and demonstrator of higher education for Chinese opera, it has supported the basic demand for high-level talents in the Chinese opera industry since the founding of the People's Republic of China, It plays a crucial role in the inheritance and development of Chinese opera. In 2008, the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera was elected as the first vice chairman unit of the Asia Pacific Bureau of the UNESCO International Drama Association Drama Academy.

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Category: social sciences >> Research on Mass Cultural and Recreational Activities

Index date: 2009-11-27 09:55:00

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