Changjiang Business School


Site Name: Changjiang Business School

Site Description: Cheung Kong Business School is a non-profit educational institution with independent legal personality, founded with donations from the Li Ka shing (Overseas) Foundation and officially approved by the state. Its goal is to become one of the top ten business schools in the world within ten years and is committed to creating a new generation of global business schools. Changjiang Business School currently has MBA programs, EMBA programs, and executive management training programs. The founding dean is Dr. Xiang Bing. Changjiang Business School holds the "Yangtze River Management Frontier Forum" in multiple cities across the country every year, which has received a good response from all sectors of society.

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Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: Education and training >> Higher Education

Index date: 2009-12-28 09:21:00

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