Century College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Domain: www.ccbupt.cn

Site Name: Century College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Site Description: Century College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is approved by the Ministry of Education (Jiao Fa Han [2005] No. 64) and the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education (Jing Jiao Ji [2005] No. 31) in accordance with the "Several Opinions on Regulating and Strengthening the Management of Independent Colleges in Ordinary Universities through New Mechanisms and Models" (Jiao Fa Han [2003] No. 8) issued by the Ministry of Education, A full-time undergraduate ordinary university jointly established by Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Xihua Future Education Industry Co., Ltd. in accordance with the new mechanism and educational model, is the first independent college directly under the Ministry of Education in Beijing.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-27 10:58:00

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