Anhui University of Science and Technology


Site Name: Anhui University of Science and Technology

Site Description: Anhui University of Science and Technology is a multidisciplinary university jointly built by the central and local governments, with a long history and distinct characteristics. It is mainly focused on engineering, with coordinated development of engineering, science, management, medicine, literature, economics, and law. It is one of the key universities under construction in Anhui Province. The school is located in Huainan City, Anhui Province, an important energy city in China. The school has 14 colleges, departments and continuing education colleges, including the School of Earth and Environment, the School of Energy and Safety, the School of Civil Architecture, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Electrical and information engineering, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, the School of chemical engineering, the School of Computer Science and Engineering, the School of Science, the School of Foreign Languages, the School of Medicine, the School of Economics and Management, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Department of Sports, etc. It is one of the first universities in China to have the authority to confer master's and bachelor's degrees. Now it has the right to apply for the award of master's degree with the same academic qualifications as doctoral degree, master's degree, Master of Engineering professional degree, college teachers studying for master's degree on the job, and graduate students.

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Category: Education and training >> Higher Education

Index date: 2009-11-16 09:15:00

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