Hunan Modern Logistics Vocational and Technical College


Site Name: Hunan Modern Logistics Vocational and Technical College

Site Description: Hunan Modern Logistics Vocational and Technical College is a public full-time ordinary higher education institution approved by the Hunan Provincial People's Government and registered by the Ministry of Education. Its predecessor was Hunan Provincial Materials School (founded in 1965) and Hunan Provincial Petrochemical Workers' University. It is the only higher vocational college in China with modern logistics as the leading profession. The college is a provincial-level demonstration higher vocational college jointly established by the Hunan Provincial People's Government and the China Federation of Logistics and Procurement. It was established and built in 2009 in Hunan Province, and was rated as the "Most Characteristic Vocational College in China" by the China Education Evaluation Center. It has also been awarded the title of "Outstanding College for Logistics Talent Training". The college takes the lead in establishing the Hunan Modern Logistics Vocational Education Group - the first vocational education group officially approved by Hunan Province. After the evaluation of the talent cultivation level in vocational colleges by the Ministry of Education, the college has been determined as "excellent". In 2009, the logistics industry ranked among the top ten revitalizing industries in China, providing updated opportunities for the development of modern logistics industry and colleges.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-09 16:27:00

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