• It168-it mainstream information platform

    It168, a mainstream information platform for it. Taking products as the core, closely tracking and leading new trends in technology and application, and focusing on shopping guides and applications as the core content orientation, providing product quotations and market trends, product evaluation and shopping guide information. Pay attention to the word-of-mouth communication formed by online interaction and build a complete and comprehensive user interaction platform.

  • Zhongguancun Online IT Professional Website

    China's leading IT information and business portal, including 40 large channels such as news, shopping malls, hardware, downloads, games, mobile phones, reviews, etc., publishes a large number of various product promotion information and article topics every day. It is a provider of IT industry manufacturers, distributors, IT products, and solutions

  • Pacific Computer Network_ China's first professional IT portal website

    Pacific Computer Network is a professional IT portal website that provides users and distributors with IT information and market quotes, covering computers, mobile phones, digital products, software, and more
