• Job hunting and talent recruitment | China Talent Network www.chinahr.com

    Chinahr.com provides the latest job opportunities for talents across the country, including job search, resume application, job guidance, career evaluation, headhunting services, campus recruitment, and other job search services, helping job seekers find well-known companies and high paying jobs. Provide job posting, resume search for senior talents, campus recruitment, recruitment outsourcing agents, education and training, headhunting and other services for recruitment enterprises.

  • Ctrip Travel Network: Hotel booking, air ticket booking, tourism vacation, business travel management

    Ctrip Travel is a leading online travel service company in China, providing comprehensive travel services including hotel reservations, flight reservations, vacation reservations, business travel management, discounted merchants, and travel information to over 14 million members.

  • Recruitment Homepage of Zhaopin

    Zhilian Recruitment provides job search, resume management, job customization, talent evaluation, and training information for job seekers. It provides one-stop professional human resources services for enterprises, including online recruitment, newspaper recruitment, campus recruitment, headhunting services, recruitment outsourcing, enterprise training, and talent evaluation

  • China Mobile Communications

    China Mobile Communication Group Corporation is the largest mobile communication operator in China, mainly engaged in mobile voice, data, IP phone and multimedia services, and has the right to operate computer internet international networking units and international import and export bureau business.

  • People's Daily

    People's Daily, one of the top ten newspapers in the world, is a large-scale online information publishing platform mainly focused on news. It is also one of the largest Chinese and multilingual news websites on the Internet. As a national key news website, People's Daily has established an image of "authoritative media and mass website" among netizens, characterized by the authority, timeliness, diversity, and commentary of news reporting.

  • Xinhua Network_ Spread China and Report the World

    Xinhua News Agency, abbreviated as "Xinhua News Agency", is the national news agency of the People's Republic of China and a global news agency with Chinese characteristics. Li Congjun, current president and party secretary, He Ping, editor in chief, Lu Wei, Cui Jizhe, Zhou Xisheng, and Zhou Shuchun, deputy presidents, Liu Yue, head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stationed in the society, and Zhang Jin, secretary general.

  • China Central Television CCTV.com

    The only official website of China Central Television (CCTV), which owns the video live streaming, broadcasting, and online replay rights of all CCTV programs, and the exclusive new media copyright for the 2008 Olympics (online video broadcasting rights). It is a large-scale online interactive platform that combines rich content such as television communities, news, sports, literature and art, science and education, etc.

  • Phoenix Net

    Phoenix New Media was reorganized and launched on the basis of the original Phoenix Network in 2006, pioneering the cross platform and cross media linkage communication model in China. Adhering to the media concept of Chinese sentiment, global perspective, compatibility, openness, and progressive strength, and adhering to the service tenet of "making global Chinese zero distance", it provides a seamless new media experience for the integration of the internet, wireless communication, and television networks for mainstream Chinese people worldwide.

  • Youdao

    The initiators of Youdao are a group of young people who are dedicated to search technology. We have found that search on the Chinese internet is far from ideal. Therefore, we hope that through our current and future efforts, we can gradually turn our imagined services into reality and share them with everyone, so that you can quickly find the good things you want in a second.

  • 51.com My friend, my home

    51.com provides personal blogs and spaces, and 51.com is the largest blog community in China

  • Taobao - Taobao! I like it

    Taobao, the largest and safest online trading platform in Asia, provides all kinds of clothing, beauty, home furnishing, digital, phone card recharge... 200 million high-quality special price goods, while providing guaranteed transactions (first receipt and then payment), first compensation, three compensation for a fake, seven day return and replacement without reason, free digital maintenance and other security transaction guarantee services, so that you can enjoy online shopping in an all-round way!

  • 360 Security Center-360 Security Guard Official Website - Trojan Horse Kill | Free Anti Virus | Network Security | Computer Security | Trojan Horse Kill | Rogue Software Kill | Malware

    360 Security Center is the largest free security platform in China, providing free 360 Security Guard, 360 Safe, 360 Security Browser, 360 antivirus, Trojan horse killing tools, various free antivirus software including free Nod32 antivirus, free Kaspersky antivirus, and stubborn Trojan horse specialized killing encyclopedia. 360 Security Guard has functions such as detecting and killing popular trojans, cleaning malicious review plugins, fixing system vulnerabilities, and managing application software.
