• The active address of Dogcoin (DOGE) exceeded 100000 for the first time in 2023

    According to the latest data from Bitinfocharts, the active addresses of Dogcoin (DOGE) exceeded 100000 levels for the first time in 2023. Specifically, since August 2022, 9 months ago, this number has never reached a similar level

  • Data: After upgrading to Ethereum Shanghai, over 110000 ETHs have been unlocked and extracted

    Data: After the upgrade of Ethereum Shanghai, over 110000 ETH have been unlocked and extracted. According to the Etherscan page, there have been 112000 ETH unlocked and extracted after the upgrade of Ethereum Shanghai, with a value of approximately $218 million

  • Will the Bitcoin Bull Market Come Next Year? How high will it go? 50000, 100000 or 1 million US dollars?

    Recently, with the price of Bitcoin exceeding $31000, the cryptocurrency market has been fully activated.According to market data, driven by the positive upgrade of Ethereum in Shanghai, Bitcoin rose to $31043 on April 14th, with Ethereum reaching a maximum of $2157.However, since then, the market has entered a significant downward trend. As of writing, the price of Bitcoin is $27475 and the price of Ethereum is $1842, and the market is still in a clear downward trend.Although the current market trend is in a downward trend,However, this round of rise still laid the foundation for cryptocurrencies to completely break free from the bear market cycle and provided optimism for subsequent market developments.At present, it is widely believed in the market that the cryptocurrency bull market has gradually started, especially with only one year left for Bitcoin's fourth halving and the traditional financial market facing a recession. Two major positive factors will drive the bull market to arrive early: 1、 According to the halving of Bitcoin and the bull market pattern, cryptocurrencies will usher in a new bull market next year.The halving cycle of Bitcoin is four years. The last halving occurred on May 12, 2020, and it is expected that the next halving may occur between March 2024 and June 2024. 2、 Traditional financial markets may face recession, providing a broader basis and logic for cryptocurrencies to rise.Federal Reserve policymakers expected a mild recession later this year at their March meeting, followed by a recovery in the next two years. This is the first time since 2020 that the Federal Reserve has publicly stated its expectation of a recession.The leading indicator index of the World Federation of Large Enterprises also shows that an economic recession is approaching.Justyna Zabinska LaMonica, senior manager of business cycle indicators, a think-tank, said that it was expected that the economic weakness would intensify and expand in the coming months, leading to a recession from the middle of 2023.With the view that the bull market has already started, market predictions for Bitcoin prices next year are also emerging one after another. According to market information, there are currently three main types of market predictions for Bitcoin prices: 1、 Bloomberg analysts predict that Bitcoin prices will reach $50000 in April next year.Bloomberg industry research analyst Jamie Douglas Coutts said that based on previous cycles,The upcoming halving of Bitcoin is currently reflected in approximately 50% of market quotes。 Coutts prediction,By April 2024, Bitcoin may reach $50000

  • Is cryptocurrency "winter" over? Standard Chartered predicts that Bitcoin prices may rise to $100000

    Reported by Reference News on April 26thAccording to Reuters London on April 24th, Standard Chartered Bank said on the 24th that by the end of 2024, the price of the top cryptocurrency Bitcoin may reach $100000, marking the end of the so-called "cryptowinter".Jeff Kendrick, Director of Digital Asset Research at Standard Chartered Bank, said in an investment briefing that Bitcoin may benefit from several factors, including the recent banking turmoil, the stabilization of risky assets brought about by the Federal Reserve's end to the rate hike cycle, and the increased profitability of cryptocurrency mining

  • The possibility of Bitcoin (BTC) falling below $10000 in the current cryptocurrency winter

    The cryptocurrency market is currently in a bad state as there are more and more problems and there seems to be no signs of easing.The price of Bitcoin has fallen by 75% since its previous historical high, but it may still fall further
