Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Life Insurance, Online Insurance, Insurance Services, Taikang Online
Domain: www.taikang.com
Site Description: Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. is a national, joint-stock life insurance company approved by the head office of the People's Bank of China on August 22, 1996, with its headquarters located in Beijing. In November 2000, Taikang Life Insurance fully completed the foreign equity offering work approved by the State Council and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. At present, Taikang Life Insurance has a total of 19 shareholders, including well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises such as China Foreign Trade and Transportation (Group) Corporation, Wumart Holdings Group Co., Ltd., China Jiade International Auction Co., Ltd., Swiss Fengtai Life Insurance Company, and Xinzheng Taida Investment Co., Ltd.
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Website Data: SEO > www.taikang.com Whois > www.taikang.com Geographic location
Category: Business and Economics >> Finance/Investment/Insurance
Index date: 2009-12-10 08:51:00