D1 Youshang Network: A fashion online shopping mall that sells personal beauty items such as cosmetics, watches, accessories, women's clothing, and men's clothing online

Domain: www.d1.com.cn

Site Name: D1 Youshang Network: A fashion online shopping mall that sells personal beauty items such as cosmetics, watches, accessories, women's clothing, and men's clothing online

Site Description: D1 Youshang Network (formerly known as d1 Convenience Network) is a leading personal fashion and beauty mall in China. It supports nationwide cash on delivery (COD), and users in Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin can shop online for 99 yuan or more without shipping fees. Online shopping in other cities can pay up to 199 yuan without shipping fees. Want to buy branded products through online shopping and enjoy much better prices and services than shopping malls? Come to the d1 online shopping mall!

Server IP: location

Website Data: SEO > www.d1.com.cn Whois > www.d1.com.cn Geographic location

Category: Life and Service >> shopping

Index date: 2009-11-02 10:02:00

D1 Youshang Network: A fashion online shopping mall that sells personal beauty items such as cosmetics, watches, accessories, women's clothing, and men's clothing online thumbnail
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