Bitcoin's Decade: Lang Xianping's Prediction, Your Reflections?
Bitcoin's Decade: Lang Xianping's Prediction, Your Reflections?In 2014, economist Lang Xianping famously said on a television program, "You can give me Bitcoin, I won't take it." This became a classic line in the cryptocurrency community
Hong Kong's RWA Ecosystem Booms: Langxin Group and Ant Group's Collaboration Ushers in a New Era of Real-World Asset Tokenization
Hong Kong's RWA Ecosystem Booms: Langxin Group and Ant Group's Collaboration Ushers in a New Era of Real-World Asset TokenizationOn August 28, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) held a press conference to announce the first phase of the Ensemble project (Sandbox) and detailed four key tokenization use cases. Among them, the first domestic tokenization project based on real-world assets in the new energy sector, completed in Hong Kong by Langxin Group (300682, SZ) and Ant Group, became a focal point of the press conference
LangChainBitcoin: A Perfect Combination of Large Language Models and Bitcoin
Author: CheKohler. Compilation: Cointiem
The Principle and Operating Mechanism of Bitcoin in Vernacular Language
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