MarsBitMarsBitShapellaETH110ETHCelsius [Network]158000130ETH24K33 Research2020121800110 ETH Celsius158,176 ETHK33KrakenETHKrakenETH120(SEC)KrakenETH Kraken ETH CoinGecko2020%21Shares56341627Max EberhardtEberhardtK3346.3%28
The US Securities Regulatory Commission investigates whether cryptocurrency is a "currency" or an "asset" in the BNB investigation?
Asset or currency, this is a common dilemma faced by cryptocurrencies globally, and different identity definitions inevitably lead to regulatory policies heading in completely different directions.Originated by Chain News (ID: ChinaBlockchainNews)Author | Huang WanyiAccording to media reports on June 6th, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is conducting an investigation into Coin An, mainly involving the BNB token issued by Coin An in 2017
BNB Challenge ETH? Coin An finally stood across from Ethereum!
Disclaimer: This article does not constitute any investment advice.Editor: Remember to follow meArticle source: BabbittCoin An appears enthusiastic in the cryptocurrency community after the new year, and the wealth effect it brings has also injected blood into the sluggish market
Chain Dede Exclusive The "Shanghai Upgrade" effect of Ethereum is emerging, who will be the biggest beneficiaries?
Image source @ Visual ChinaAt 23:00 Beijing time on February 7th, the Ethereum Zhejiang testing network successfully activated the Shanghai upgrade on epoch1350, taking 13 minutes to complete, and successfully simulated the withdrawal of pledged ETH for the first time. (Note: The term 'Shapella' originates from Shanghai and Capella and represents improvements in two plans, which can simplify the process of simultaneously extracting rights pledge ETH at the execution layer and Beacon chain
Why did the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain main network officially launch while ETH prices plummeted?
Summary: Even if the long-awaited ETH2.0 main network is successfully launched, the price of ETH has dropped significantly with Bitcoin
Ethereum Merge Guide: Everything You Need to Know
Disclaimer: This article aims to convey more market information and does not constitute any investment advice. The article only represents the author's viewpoint and does not represent the official stance of MarsBit
Is the upward trend of Ethereum's (ETH) pending withdrawals on the rise?
The long-awaited updates for Ethereum Shanghai and Capella were officially launched at 6:30 am Eastern Time yesterday. The smooth progress of the hard fork is the first major upgrade of the agreement since the "merger" on September 15, 2022
Ethereum merger: Will electricity consumption significantly decrease after turning to proof of ownership? What about miners?
Pengpai News Reporter Wang HuirongThe blockchain network Ethereum behind the world's second largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum (ETH), is expected to "merge" in mid September. What will be the impact of this move?On August 12th local time, Ethereum co founder VitalikButerin tweeted that the blockchain software upgrade, known as a "merger" in the encryption field, is expected to occur around September 15th, although the exact date depends on the hash rate
Ethereum regained $1900, why can it become a rising engine in the crypto bear market?
Reporter | Si LinweiOn August 11th, the latest market data showed that the price of Ethereum had exceeded $1900, with a 24-hour increase of over 13%. The total market value of Ethereum has returned to above $220 billion, reaching its highest point since June 6th
Suoha ETH, the result has been lying down! "Does Ethereum still have a future?
AppPOW'ER 2019- OdailyIDo-daily ETHICO ETH ETH 1400 80% 200 190 188 4 K ICO ICO ETH 2.0ETH 2
ETH Shanghai upgrade completed, Huobi pledged interest bearing wealth management to become a black horse with 14.97% APY
Disclaimer: This article aims to convey more market information and does not constitute any investment advice. The article only represents the author's viewpoint and does not represent the official stance of MarsBit
Bankless: Next steps for Ethereum: Cancun upgrade, DVT, PBS
Disclaimer: This article aims to convey more market information and does not constitute any investment advice. The article only represents the author's viewpoint and does not represent the official stance of MarsBit