Sister Mu said that Bitcoin will rise to 1100 million by 2030, is it fake?
Risk Reminder: The information shared below is only public information on the internet and my perspective at this moment, and does not constitute investment advice for anyone. My viewpoint will change over time and with the emergence of new information
Just now, Bitcoin has fallen below $54000 per coin, with over 110000 people selling out in the past 24 hours and nearly 4 billion funds disappearing into thin air
According to AI News, Bitcoin has just fallen below the $54000 per coin level, with the latest price of $53985 per coin. According to data from Bitcoin Home Network, over 110000 people have sold out in the past 24 hours, and nearly 4 billion yuan of funds have been wiped out
Data: After upgrading to Ethereum Shanghai, over 110000 ETHs have been unlocked and extracted
Data: After the upgrade of Ethereum Shanghai, over 110000 ETH have been unlocked and extracted. According to the Etherscan page, there have been 112000 ETH unlocked and extracted after the upgrade of Ethereum Shanghai, with a value of approximately $218 million